Knightsbridge Auction
16 Nov 2005

Lot Number Description Sold For
610 K-9 model  
611 The Master's 'tissue compression eliminator' (miniaturising gun), £1,200
612 Easter egg box £5
613 Prop scanning device £100
614 Model of the Tardis, 1980s £190
615 Tardis telephone, 1988 £180
616 Three-toed (Yeti?) foot £130
617 Two Radio Times cover proofs, 1983 £280
618 Tom Baker's trademark oversized woollen scarf £6,500
619 Baby dinosaur in jar £650
620 Head-dress from the 'Snakedance' episode, 1983 £1,100
621 Model of The Rani's Tardis £200
622 Tardis roundel £600
622A A collection of Dr Who costumes £260
623 Haemovore concept model  
624 Tetrap £90
624A Model of the Tardis, 1980s  
625 Model of the Tardis, 1980s  
626 Presentation items £190
627 K-9 model  
628 Nine miniaturised character figurines

 Sold after
the auction

629 Cape worn by Colin Baker £1,500
630 The Dalek Supreme (aka The Tussaud’s Dalek), 1970's £30,000
List Auction Listing  

Photos of the auction items
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Lot 613
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Lot 613
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Lot 614
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Lot 616
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Lot 618
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Lot 618
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Lot 619
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Lot 620
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Lot 621
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Lot 624
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Lot 626
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Lot 628
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Lot 629
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Lot 629
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Lot 629
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Lot 630
  Photos provided by Chris Balcombe


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