Behind the Scenes and Unusual Photos

In the travels of collectors they sometimes are fortunate enough to attend, participate in or organize milestone events in the real world Doctor Who timeline. Inevitably photos are taken and stuffed away in albums never to see the light of day again. Some of our friends have levered opened those musty scrapbooks and passed the photos along for us to enjoy.

Click to see the photos Special Effects images from "Delta and the Bannermen"
Click to see the photos Special Effects images from "Dragonfire"
Click to see the photos Production Photograhs (from several shows)
Click to see the photos Location Photos from "Attack of the Cybermen"

Contributors to the Behind the Scenes and Unusual Photos Section
Colin Young Richard Briggs  

If you have any behind the scenes or unusual photos from the Doctor Who timeline we would love to see them. Send Information or questions to (Click here to send a eMail)

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