Viewer Report from Vengeance on Varos

Viewstat Report

This screen seen prop was used in episode two of the Doctor Who Story "Vengeance on Varos". The 22nd season, two part serial (6V) staring Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant that was first transmitted on 1/19/85.

Constructed of 8 1/2 X 11 3/4 inch, opaque white plastic board, 3/16 inch thick. Green tape 3/8 inch wide was used to create the horizontal and vertical lines in an attempt to give the appearance of a prefabricated report form.

You can clearly see the item being used about eight minuets into the second episode. Etta Snaka (played by Sheila Reid) fills out a Viewer Report on her napping husband Arak Snaka (played by Stephen Yardley) because he is being less than the expected conformist.

The Provenance

In 1985 Mary Milton contacted the BBC requesting donations for a fund raising event. (anyone know for what) John Nathan-Turner responded in June of that year by sending Mary this and two other items. Ten years pass and in 1995 Timothy Johnson of Kent in the UK bought the Viewstat from a dealer. I acquired the prop from Timothy in April of 2001 and it now resides in my collection here in Virginia, USA.

How It Is Displayed

I constructed the case for the Viewstat from a 16 X 20 deep profile plastic document frame. The prop is mounted with a custom made foam core and brass cradle that will ensure security without damage. I included in the display a replica of the BBC authentication letter at a reduced format and a description of the item. The picture of the report in use is the same one used on this web page

Last Updated 11/12/2007 1:34:35 PM, by RichardWho Custom Software V1.0.50
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