Adrian Hill

Adrian lives just outside Bath and has been collecting Who memorabilia for as long as he can remember. Living just 5 minutes from the old Dr Who Exhibition at Longleat when he was a kid consumed most of his pocket money and started his collection. Today he buys and collects whatever Doctor Who stuff takes his fancy, apart from the odd free Dr Who item he gets at the office!

Adrian works for SFX Magazine and helped launch it some 30 years ago. "It's like being paid to have a hobby! Especially now that the good Timelord is back in fashion," he recalls. He has met many an actor in my time including the late great Jon Pertwee who he had to look after at the SFX Launch party in London back in 1995.

You can find Adrian on the message board under the name adrian

Adrian can be contacted by Email Adrian

Enjoy this small sample of Adrian's Collection

Ade and Tardis.

Photo Signed by
Patrich Troughton
Carole Ann Ford

Doctor Who Collection.

Doctor Who Collection.

Adrian's Cyberleader Helmet.

David Tennant signed photo.

Adrian and his son Alex as guests at A Galaxy of Stars Con.
Interviewing David Tennant at BBC Television Centre.

Adrian can be contacted by Email Adrian
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Adrian Hill and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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