Jonathan Coley

Jonathan is 37 years old living in Staffordshire England where he has been collecting for a little over 20 year now. A great deal of his collection has come from older fans passing on items they no longer wanted or had room for. His entire collection of magazines from 1979 to the present has been acquired this way, as have many books as well as his Tardis tent.

An active member of his local Doctor Who society, the Whoovers, Jonathan also has a general interest in the history of science fiction on film and television, especially the works of Nigel Kneale.

Jonathan is most proud of a letter he received from Anneke Wills in appreciation for his help in tracking down her first film, 'Childs play', of which clips have been shown at the Swansea convention last year.

Interested in finding a box for is Palitoy Dalek, Jonathan would be grateful for any help. With a building interest in Dapol items after his acquisition of a few figures, he is on the hunt for an umbrella for his Seventh Doctor.

You can find Jonathan on the message board under the name jonathanecoley

Jonathan can be contacted by Email Jonathan

Enjoy this small sample of Jonathan's Collection

Jonathan can be contacted by Email Jonathan
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Jonathan Coley and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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