Paul Hooper

Paul has been a Doctor Who fan for more then 44 years now and maintains some beautiful displays in his Somerset England home. With a particular interest in the 1970's Tom Baker years his collection gravitates to that era. Having a large selection of books, pictures, model kits, games, masks and one of the best collection of Head-Up Display monster busts around.

Paul can be contacted by Email Paul

Enjoy this small sample of Paul's Collection

Tom Baker Doll
Tom Baker and Voc Robot
Prop Heads

Tom Baker and Davros
SquidKizts Busts

Head Bust

Product Enterprise
Remote Dalek and Davros

Head-Up Display
Monster Bust Heads Series

Head-Up Display
Cybermen Model Kits
Sevans Model Kits
K9, Tardis and Davros

Head-Up Display
Morbius and Giant Robot Model Kits
Head-Up Display
Replica Cybercontroller Helmet
Davros Mask

1976 Today Promotions Scarf

Sea Devil Model Kit

Replica Draconian Mask

Replica D84 Voc Mask

Sutekh bust and DVD

Season 18 Replica Scarf

Remus Clay 3D Picture Kit

Paul can be contacted by Email Paul
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Paul Hooper and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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