Peter Norris

Peter lives in West Sussex in the UK where he enjoys collecting Dalek related merchandise for a few years now. He became a fan when he watched the Doctor during the Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker eras but lost interest after that. In 1991 Peter regained his attraction when the video releases started.

You can find Peter on the message board under the name norrisp

Peter can be contacted by Email Peter

Enjoy this small sample of Peter's Collection

Collection Display

More Books

Companion Autographs





And More Daleks

Cybermen and Characters

Davros, Daleks and UNIT

Danbury Mint Figures

Toys and Figures

Harlequin Figures

Sevans Movie Dalek

Sevans Daleks

Sevans Cybergun

Sevans Cyberman Helmet
Sevans Davros Mark 2

Sevans Dalek and Davros
Sevans Movie Tardis

Peter can be contacted by Email Peter
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Peter Norris and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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