David Butcher

David likes collecting anything doctor who,which began back in 1974  when i was four years old after watching my first doctor who adventure (the monster of peladon).

ive been hooked ever since.

first bit of merchandise i got was two novels planet of the spiders and carnival of monsters.

then the collection grew and grew firstly it was mainly novels and the dr who magazine(even travelled to the uk to buy the early editions that i missed out on back in 1992).

then as  i got a job i began buying the more expensive stuff that my family wouldnt buy me.

to this day i am trying to catch up on stuff i missed out on due to the wifes disgust,but she loves me.

David can be contacted by Email David

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David's Collection

David can be contacted by Email David
All of the pictures on this page are the property of David Butcher and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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