Matt in London

I've been a viewer of Doctor Who since the mid 70's. But really became a 'fan' during 1979, the year that Doctor Who Weekly launched.

The best thing in those early comics were the Doctor Who comic strips, I became a huge fan of Dave Gibbons Tom Baker / Peter Davison work and then later with the arrival of Colin Baker in comic form, John Ridgway's comic Who.

I have a collection of original Dr Who comic art spanning all decades of the show, up until the present day.

Here's a selection of some of my favourite pieces, enjoy.

Matt can be contacted by Email Matt

Enjoy this small sample of
Matt's Collection

Robots of Death Mask
TV21 Original Artwork - Daleks by Richard Jennings
TV21 Original Artwork - Daleks by Ron Turner
Dalek Omnibus Original Artwork Inside Cover
Dalek Omnibus Original Artwork for Planet of the Daleks
Dalek Omnibus Original Artwork for Genesis of the Daleks
TV Action Original Art by Gerry Haylock
Iron Legion Original Art
Original Iron Legion final page
City of the Damned Original Artwork by Dave Gibbons
Time Witch Original Art by Dave Gibbons
TV Comic Original Artwork by John Canning
1980 Annual - The Weapon Original Artwork by Paul Compton
1980 Annual - The Weapon Original Artwork by Paul Compton
Seeds of Doom VHS Original Artwork by Colin Howard
Tides of Time Original Art by Dave Gibbons
Voyager Original Artwork by John Ridgway
Voyager Original Artwork by John Ridgway
Voyager Original Artwork by John Ridgway
Voyager Original Artwork by John Ridgway
Death Comes to Time Original Artwork by Lee Sullivan
Death Comes to Time Original Artwork by Lee Sullivan
8th Doctor Preliminary Sketch for Radio Times by Lee Sullivan
Descendence Original Artwork by Lee Sullivan for Radio Times
Ninth Doctor and Rose by Mike Collins
Doctor Who Storybook Original Artwork by Andy Walker
The Forgotten Original Cover Artwork by Ben Templesmith
Betrothal of Sontar Original Artwork by Mike Collins
The Lodger Original Artwork by Mike Collins
Ongoing No.5 Original Cover Art by Paul Grist
Ongoing No.7 Original Cover Art by Paul Grist
IDW Doctor Who Ongoing Matt Smith Cover by Matthew Dow Smith

Matt can be contacted by Email Matt
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Matt in London and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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