Chris Brimelow

Chris is a 38-year-old web developer living in New York City. Originally from England, he has been watching Dr Who since he was 3.

Chris has developed and maintains three great Dr Who related websites that should not be missed.

You can find Chris on the message board under the name brimelow

Chris can be contacted by Email Chris

Enjoy this small sample of
Chris's Collection

Today Promotions Scarves!
Denys Fisher Tom Baker doll with Italian box (1979)
Replica Sonic Screwdriver
Replica TARDIS Key
Hand Knitted Season 14 Tom Baker Scarf
Replica Masque of Mandragora costume
Close-up of Hieronymous mask
Dudley Simpsons Curriculum Vitae
Books and magazines
More books and magazines
Product Enterprise action figures and Dapol TARDIS
5" Classic Figures
More Soundtracks
Typhoo Tea Card Set
Framed photo of Tom Baker and new series calendar
Custom Video Covers
Me and Tom (Boston Convention, 1982)
Me and Bessie in the Traveling US Dr Who Exhibition (1986)

Chris can be contacted by Email Chris
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Chris Brimelow and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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