Doctor Who Autograph Collectors Club
Doctor Who Day 2
24 September 2005

This one-day event, organized by the DWACC, was held at the Darwen Theatre Library in Darwen, Lancashire on Saturday the 24th September 2005.

The guests included.
  • Colin Baker - The Doctor #6

  • Dee Sadler (Club Patron) - Flowerchild, The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

  • Lisa Bowerman - Karra, Survival

  • Rhian James - Suzie, Father's Day (2005)

  • Eric Potts - Oliver Charles, Aliens of London (2005)

Chris Winwood attended the event and
passed along these photos.

Thanks Chris!

Dee Sadler being presented with her patron membership card for the DWACC
by Graham Groom that runs it.

Dee, Graham, Caroline and Chris

Chris with Colin Baker

Eric Potts

Graham Groom, founder of the DWACC

Doctor Who Conventions Section

All of the pictures on this page are the property of Caroline Sinclair and may not be used or reproduced in any way without her explicit written consent.

If you have pictures of this convention or any other
Dr Who Convention we would love to see them.
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